The distance between two leap years-II

Ohk..the first year of my college. It wasn’t a very sugary sweet start. Well to be honest I was never an excellent student in the senior classes. I was not that good at maths and chemistry. But nevertheless I was a hardworker. Somehow I managed a decent 82% in my class XII boards. But XII standard isn’t that simple. It is accompanied by the multiple attacks of competitive exams. And frankly, I didn’t study at all for them. Dunno why, but I didn’t feel like. Well, it was a matter of 3 weeks and I was done with my competitive exams. Result? I didn’t get any good college.
Ya, that’s why kids, you should consider your competitive exams, infact each and every exam of life very seriously, because it’s a ripple effect. A small dead causes a big wave of consequences. Like when you throw a stone in the water, it culminates into a big wave.
Fortunately my dad is a resourceful man, and he got me a seat in this UNITED COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & RESEARCH, GR. NOIDA..supposedly because if the kid stays in the NCR region, he’ll be closer to his relatives in New Delhi. So here I was, just after celebrating the birth of my nephew Aarvin, right into the hostel room 106-A.
First day was highly scary, due to the ragging period and all. But fortunately, I was never ragged. Because at that time there was the impending danger of suspension form the college for any student caught in ragging activities. So days passed, and I began to feel at home in the campus.
I made a lot of friends here, some very dear to me like Pushpender, Sushant, Hemant, Nishant etc..We called ourselves the “Bad Company”..the irony was that neither of us were technically “bad”..we all were back then just mellow kids.

They say 1st year is a very crucial time, because the pressure of studies is a lot. And this pressure somehow changed the hardworker in me into a smartworker and I began to come forward in each aspect of curricular activities.

My activities also gathered a lot of wind from the members of the opposite sex. And a boy that I was, who had just moving on from a break up, thought that It would be nice to make some female friends. But boy was I wrong. That friendship did not end well. I won’t dwell much on that because it’s not good to disclose old personal matters of people on the cyberspace.

Among those females, I met a girl, and BAM! Cupid struck :P

Trust me again friends, college love won’t last forever, it’s just a matter of time until your partner sorts out their priorities. In my case it was just the 1st year. Then we broke up.

1st year was the most memorable period of my life. In this period I began to feel a change in me. I began to be an independent boy, fully aware of his surroundings, began to learn the nature of people, got betrayed, therefore became stronger.

My advice to everyone out there..enjoy your 1st year in college as much as you can. Because after that, the college life will never be the same.
Watch this space for more…


  1. awsm!!!
    1st yr... foh meh wz full of backstabbing! yh made me strnger... gt ova wid one fear= i.e fear of living alone! nw learnt it,,,made me independent TOTALLY! ...though i wz earlier independent too nt dis much..dis pampered b brat kid... gt change in her bhvr...nt nature wise,,, strtd thinking lyk an ADULT,,no more a teenager!


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