
What? Déjà vu already? Not your fault. Happens to every one of us when we see the topic “Relationships” firing up.
Yeah, it happens. After all, we’ve all been through this type of crap on the internet, after we google for topics such as “How to woo a girl?” or “How to find out whether he likes me?”
A word of advice, that all is useless. No one can ever generate true feelings for someone just by reading material over the internet. It’s a relationship, not a final year project!
Relationship, let me start off simple, I’m no expert either. I’ve been in a relationship before and it was a wreck!
I’ll tell you why. See it begins at a very tender age, the teen-age. It’s the age when we start to know ourselves, when we start to change according to the group dynamics around us. But we don’t realize that all that glitters is not gold. I’ve seen many of my friends do some really messed up stuff in their teen years just to maintain their façade of coolness, and that is not the way to live one’s life (But that’s a totally another story). So, this teenage, makes us vulnerable to all the Bollywood romance and Hollywood fairytales. At a tender age of 15, I’ve seen girls dream about their prince charming. That’s sweet, but my dear, right now, you’ve got board exams to worry about :|
But as if we care! We are teenagers! We want everything fast!
Ring any bells? Ya, that’s how all of us were a few years back. We all wanted to update our relationship status in Orkut from “Single” to “In a Relationship” so badly that we went head over heels after a person we even had a crush on! And since that person was also suffering from this disease of relationship status updation, they accepted your decent proposal and you both became a couple. Congratulations on your first relationship! Sorry to crash in, but its not gonna last long.
You wanna know why? Read on.

The relationships aren’t always as sugary as they seem to the untrained eye. They are made up of three basic periods:

1.     The Honeymoon Period : In this period, you both agree to each other, spend time nicely with each other. Infact you both loooooooooooove eath other soooooooooooo much that nothing could ever separate you. Infact this period is what attracts you so much to get committed with someone. But surely enough, the honeymoon doesn’t last forever.

2.       TheBurn-in period : As for any component in electric circuitry, this phase is the settling in phase. This is where the true relationship tests begin. Problems and differences will show their ugly heads and it will be a tough time for you and your partner. This period has the highest probability for the occurrence of break ups. The couple, now fully aware of each other’s shortcomings, now cant stand the sight of each other. Hence, the battle of the sexes. P.s. Teenagers break up here.

3.       The Forever phase : Finally, if your relationship can make it past the 2nd phase, then there is a high possibility of it lasting forever. I’m not saying that this phase will be completely fight-free. But for sure, it’ll the most happy and content phase. If you don’t believe me, then look at your Mom and Dad. That’s what a true relation is.
A word of advice, the first relation of your life is mostly a disaster. That doesn’t mean that you should give up on relationships, or wantonly try to break up. But have a faith, a belief. That there is a reason for every failed relation. A better one is waiting for you, and that’s probably the one that’s meant for you. Coz after all, its Love that makes the world go round. <3
My advice? Start off easy. Don’t jump in with the objective of finding your partner. Just be casual, be friends. Trust me it’s the best way to know each other. And then, once you are sure that you’ve found what you’ve been looking for, then go ahead! You are headed in the right direction. All the best! 


  1. you sound like Dr. Love :p
    anyway, nice! :)you should seriously start writing books!


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