Go Firefox.!!!!

Everyone out there asks me that inspite of the plethora of web browsers out there, why do I prefer Mozilla Firefox?
I just smile and respond, "Firefox is by far the most stable, fastest and most secure browser web 2.0 ever had, simple."
May sound cliched, as in this cut-throat world of browser wars, every browser claims to be the same. But trust me, Firefox is the one you've been looking for.
Its got everything for everyone. Its designed to be customised.
The latest version, Firefox 3.6 was the only browser that passed the ACID 3 test, go google it to see what I mean.
In layman lingo, Firefox is the most stable and the secure browser hence proved by the webmasters itself.
In order to experience its speed, try it out yourself.

Trust me fellas, if its not on firefox, its not on the web....
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